☆ Day 3 of Aliveness ☆
☆ Day 3 of Aliveness ☆

Meow Wolf

Ben Weirich & I created a 10min soundtrack loop to accompany the visual artworks of Andrea Thurber & her team in the Ruptured Time room at Meow Wolf Denver, Convergence Station. In this piece, we explore feelings of nostalgia and our relationship to memories, fractured memories, and memory loss. Once we were clear on the direction and overall feel of the piece, we sat down to start recording and things came flowing out. We recorded percussion using found objects in our space at Moon Magnet studios, tracking layers of polyrhythms that could be mixed and matched to create different grooves and textures. We searched for samples of footsteps, clocks, water - anything that could be used percussively and connect the listener to nostalgic memories. After we put together many different beats, Ben Weirich composed synth parts to encompass a large envelope of feeling. His goal was to keep the piece fairly happy sounding, while moving through events that remind us of sadness, melancholy, or fear. We were inspired further by the audio recordings from Andrea’s family video, which she has incorporated into the visual elements of the room. With Andrea’s permission, we were able to use sound clips from the videos, with two generations of kids experiencing life’s joys in the way only kids can. Once we had the clips placed, we added samples of morning birds, crickets, fireworks, wind, and thunderstorms. This gave our looping soundscape the feeling of a summer day’s cycle. We hope that those who hear our sound piece, paired with the surrounding visual/ interactive artwork, will experience nostalgia in a new way, whether it be through sound, touch, taste, smell, or visual cues. We also hope to bring awareness to how nostalgia may be experienced by someone who’s memories are fractured or difficult to access. Click the button below to listen to the song!
📸: Juli Williams
Here's a snippet from a companion zine of poetry I made while making this record.

Tears on your face
Chase the moon
Crystal rain clouds
Kool-Aid dew
I hope we’ve got space to move
In my souped-up space canoe
Falling through a space vortex
Radiate your essence
Rest your ears on me
Skies in your eyes
See anew
Engines engage
The paint job too
Roger, Zero G
and I feel fine
Blast off in space
With rainbow wine
Falling through a space vortex
Riding high on stilted beds
Sleepwalking with our friends
You can fast forward through this to the little goopy part, if you want to fast forward
GOO (growing in)
MOOSH (mashed to the)
SLIME (soaked in the sun)
GLUE (my feelings in)
GLAM (glamped up in)
GLOB (until we all GUSH)
Until we all
Until we all gush
We all gush
déCollage Live

(déLucks edition)


Vocals, Lyrics, Guitars & Production by Reed Fox.
Synths, Bass, & Production by Ben Wright.
Drums & Percussion by Adrian Wright.
Song & lyrics co-written by Ryan Schlichtman & Reed Fox.
Featuring Kris Becker on Guitar.
Album Artwork by Jacqueline Sophia Cordova / Ancient Future
Album’s skeleton recorded live in one day at Catadawn Studios. Engineered by Brent Somermeyer & Matt Tanner.
Vox, Synths, GTRs Recorded/Mixed by Reed & Ben at Moon Magnet.
Mastered by Reed Fox & Michael Schultze at Denver University & MM.
Website by Stella Atkinson/Soggy John

Aliveness 2.22
Aliveness 2.22

With 17 tracks from local Denver bands, including the original version of Aliveness 2.22!
The Moon Magnet Compilation Volume 2! Featuring songs by déCollage, Ancient Elk, Rubedo and more!
If you missed the last song,
click here!

Moon Magnet is a music school, DJ production company, and mastering/recording studio based in Denver, Colorado founded in 2013 by Reed & friends. Reed started déCollage in 2009. Check out Reed’s other music projects like Bun Bun, Moon Hammer, & his DJ project as Reed Fox. Here’s a playlist with songs from each project.